The notice gave on Thursday blames in excess of 20 nations for being “significant medication travel or major unlawful medication creating nations.”

The reminder is of an “meddling nature” and has no legitimate status, the Venezuelan Service of International concerns said in a proclamation on Saturday.

“In that scandalous distribution, the steadfast consistence with global responsibilities” of Venezuela in the battle against unlawful medication dealing isn’t referenced, Xinhua news organization detailed citing the service’s assertion.

The service additionally denounced the US government for attempting “to be the cop of the worldwide field and to continue in the burden of extraterritorial strategies”.

The US, it added, “tries to make unwarranted decisions” about Venezuela to legitimize its yearly costs in the supposed conflict on drugs.

The Venezuelan government said it was shortly after the ejection of the U.S. Drug Implementation Organization from its domain in 2005 that the nation started to make the biggest medication seizures in its set of experiences.

The South American country likewise reaffirmed its “unhindered and unrestricted responsibility in the frank, forthright, and genuine battle against drug dealing.