The generic error usually appears right after attempting to launch the game, meaning you’re essentially locked out if you get it. Follow steps below, if you want to know how to get rid of this pesky message.
How to Fix the Connection Error in Valorant
The problem with the connection has to do with the Vanguard software, which is an anti-cheat software embedded in Valorant. Every time you launch Valorant, this software causes the crash. Luckily there is a way out.
Follow steps below right after you encounter the following message: “Valorant has encountered a connection error. Please relaunch the client to reconnect.”
You’ll need to uninstall Vanguard, relaunch, and reinstall it. To uninstall Vanguard:
Go to Control Panel Go to Program Select “Uninstall a program” option Find “Riot Vanguard” software in the list Right-click and uninstall Confirm operation
Now, go back and restart Valorant. You will see that Riot Vanguard installation will appear for a moment, and then the game starts without the dreaded connection error message.
You may encounter the “Vanguard Not Initialized” message, since the Vanguard software has just been re-installed. It’s perfectly fine, just confirm the system reboot and start Valorant once again.
That’s how easy you can get rid of this problem by simply removing the unnecessary software from your computer, for most people. In case this error returns, just repeat the same steps listed above, and you should be good to play until the official patch comes out.
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That’s it on how to fix the connection error in Valorant. You can find more Valorant guides right here.