The issue has been known since the Xbox One’s release, but is now starting to catch fire and spread throughout the Internet. Yesterday, problem-stricken users took to’s official forums, where many began claiming similar issues across the board.

The analog drift issue basically means the analog sticks on the right and left of the controller are no longer centered. Since the analog sticks usually control movement and camera angles, this makes them completely unusable.

What’s Microsoft doing to combat the issue? Nothing so far. The only answer users are receiving is to purchase a new controller, as most cases have these issues happening out of Microsoft’s 90 day warranty.

                                           -Duncle Nemo (Xbox One user)

Some users are claiming that opening the controller up and thoroughly cleaning them out has worked; however, Microsoft is recommending otherwise, as it will void those still under warranty and could cause more problems in general.

Users report analog drift issues with Xbox One controllers - 25