The Uncharted 4 developers at Naughty Dog have confirmed that most, if not all, of the game will be presented in real-time.

Anthony Newman, co-lead designer of Uncharted 4, discussed that this feat was achieved thanks to the power of the PS4 and that real-time cutscenes are only one of the many new features in store for Uncharted 4. 

It also seems that the life-like and gorgeous Nathan Drake we have seen in cutscenes of the trailers will be what Drake will look like 24/7, even during gameplay.  Clearly the next-gen level processing power of the eighth generation allows for some heavy visual updates. Naughty Dog and the Uncharted series already have a reputation for gorgeous visuals and detailed character designs. Imagining that they will be able to take the already impressive visual capabilities of the Uncharted series to the next level, that is a big promise to make. The question is can it be fufilled and keep the Uncharted spirit alive?

This is the face we get to look at for all of Uncharted 4. Not bad.

So far most of the gameplay that Naughty Dog has revealed to the public seems very impressive. But we still don’t know much about the story and haven’t seen much combat gameplay since last year’s E3. They are really pushing the idea that this game will be a visual marvel, yet they haven’t said anything about the story, setting or fighting. Is this because they are still working on it or has it taken a backseat to the visuals of the game? Also Naughty Dog will also be working on Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection, so its very possible that their attention might be deviated from Uncharted 4, which could cost them and the game. Personally, I love the Uncharted series and am a huge fan of Naughty Dog and their games but I am a little nervous about how they have presented and advertised Uncharted 4 so far.

Uncharted 4 is scheduled to be released sometime in the first quarter of 2016 but will that be enough time to make sure that this game is as visually impressive as they say it will and to have the quality gameplay and story that the Uncharted series is known for? What do you think about Uncharted 4? Does it sound very promising? Leave a comment and remember for all your Uncharted and gaming news and articles stay tuned to