Having said that, it can get even better, so here is what I want to see added to the multiplayer before Naughty Dog calls it quits on content.


To date there have been 4 maps added, but for me this is on the light side. I’d love to see Naughty Dog come out with a dedicated map pack that pulls from classic maps from past Uncharted games, like London Underground, and some new Uncharted 4 inspired maps .


I didn’t realize how much I would enjoy the bare bones feel of Classic mode with no player revives, map, or in game store; not until it was released as a beta. Add this mode and I’ll be a happy camper. In addition I hope to see more modes being experimented with in the future.

Map Voting

I’ve had a handful of scenarios where my team and I would replay the same map twice or even three times, map voting would help mitigate this and allow us to cycle through the maps more frequently. The only minor trade off is add wait time in the lobby.


Right now Spotify will play in the lobby, but stop once put in a match. When you have played as long as I have, you ache for some fresh music as you gun down heroes and villains.

Player Level

Lastly allow the progression level to be publicly displayed. I think it is a fairly standard practice for a multiplayer game, which has a leveling system, to display that number next to your ID. At the very least make it a option for the player to decide if they want to show their level.

That about does it for my wishlist. It has been a long road since the launch of Uncharted 4 and I think all the updates to the multiplayer have been for the better. There was a time when I played with no leveling system; we’ve come far. Whether Naughty Dog decides to do one or two more updates I hope they end on a high note. Uncharted 4 multiplayer has been near and dear to my heart so no matter what you have a fan here.