The legal advisor additionally said that Ukpo was not 15 years of age, as was said, and that he had let his client know that Ukpo was 21. He additionally said that Ukpo had told the UK specialists that he was 15 years of age and that he would have rather not returned to Nigeria when asked to.

On June 23, Ekweremadu and his better half were remanded in UK police care in the wake of being summoned under the steady gaze of the Uxbridge Magistrates’ Court. They were blamed for contriving to help Ukpo, who was supposed to be a minor, travel to the UK so his organs could be taken.

For the benefit of his clients, Awomolo asked the National Identity Management Commission to deliver a Certified True Copy of Ukpo’s biodata. He let the court know that he was doing this since he needed to accelerate the examination that would show that the Ekweremadus were not liable.

He said, “The candidates have a girl named Sonia Ekweremadu who has kidney disappointment. They’ve been dealing with her for around five years.”

“The candidates’ little girl required a kidney relocate at the earliest opportunity to save her life.

“David Ukpo said that he would give one of his kidneys to Miss Sonia Ekweremadu’s little girl assuming his kidney is viable with hers.

“David Ukpo let the candidates know that he was born in 2000, which makes him 21 years of age.

“The principal candidate assisted Ukpo with getting a visa to go to the UK by composing a letter to the British High Commission in Nigeria. The letter made sense of that Ukpo needed to go to the UK to get a clinical test so the benefactor and Sonia Ekweremadu could get the best clinical consideration.

“After a few clinical trials, the Royal Free Hospital in London concluded that David Ukpo was definitely not a decent counterpart for Sonia Ekweremadu on the grounds that his kidney isn’t viable with hers.

“Ukpo told the UK police that he is 15 years of age, which is not quite the same as everything he said to the candidates.

“The candidates are certain that Ukpo was something like 21 years of age, in light of the freely available reports in the respondents’ ownership.

“On June 21, the Metropolitan Police in the UK captured the candidates since they were blamed for carrying a 15-year-old youngster to the UK to take his organs.

“On June 23, 2022, the Applicants were charged in the Uxbridge Magistrate Court in the United Kingdom with planning to assist someone else with reaching a point where they could be utilized, for example, for organ reaping.

“The court didn’t let them temporarily free from jail, and UK specialists are holding them at this moment.”

“The candidates need records from the respondents to assist with a fair criminal examination and to use as proof with all due respect to show that they are not at legitimate fault for the charge and that Ukpo isn’t a kid and consented to the clinical test in the UK.”

“The said Ukpo is under the watchful eye of British specialists at this moment, and the candidates can’t get to him.”

“The archives that are being approached to be given to the candidates will assist them with shielding themselves and show that they are not at legitimate fault for the charges against them.”