Ubisoft is working on the theme park with RSG, a development company specializing in this effort. RSG is also responsible for Movie Animation Park Studios which opens in Malaysia next year.

Jean de Rivières, senior vice president of Ubisoft Motion Pictures, wrote:

However, Ubisoft fans already seem torn on the announcement. One Twitter user blatantly wrote “No” when replying to Ubisoft’s question of “Have you ever played one of Ubisoft’s games and thought, ‘This is fun and all, but I’d really like to experience it as a theme park ride?”

Another posted what can best be described as a satire of the entire idea: 

Others yet are questioning the inclusion of other big name Ubisoft games such as Far Cry, Watch Dogs, Tom Clancy, and even The Crew. How will Ubisoft incorporate them, if at all?

Though some fans do seem extremely happy with the news, generally giving Ubisoft words of praise and expressing how much they would love to visit.
