As per reports, a portion of Uber’s inner frameworks were hacked in the information break and some screen captures on Twitter recommended the programmer gained admittance to the organization’s inner information.

“We are right now answering an online protection episode. We are in contact with policing will post extra updates here as they become accessible,” Uber posted in a tweet.

The New York Times originally detailed about the Uber break. A Uber representative posted that they were told to quit utilizing Slack and “whenever I demand a site, I’m taken to a page with an obscene picture” and the message “f*** you wankers”.

Another Twitter client posted a screen capture obviously from the programmer, which said: “I declare I’m a programmer and Uber has experienced an information break. Slack has been stolen…”

The programmer purportedly said he broke into the Uber frameworks since “they had feeble security”.

“Somebody hacked a Uber representative’s HackerOne account and is remarking on the tickets as a whole. They probably approach all of the Uber HackerOne reports,” a bug abundance tracker by the name of Sam Curry posted.