According to a report from the French website JeuxVideo (translated by Gematsu), the next generation of Xboxes is due to be announced at the expo. Based on the information provided, Microsoft won’t just announce a single device, but two.

One will reportedly be a more affordable “entry-level” device that focuses on digital content. This move would obviously allow Microsoft to cut costs on the console, which is reportedly code-named “Lockhart”, by eliminating the disk drive. The console will also reportedly have less RAM and a lower-end GPU than the other console, currently known as “Anaconda”.

Information on the systems’ specs is a bit older than JeuxVideo’s report, pulling from spec sheets that were leaked in January, although some sites are reporting those sheets are not necessarily accurate.

Still, if they’re even close, they’ll give gamers a fairly good idea of what they’re in for when the devices do launch, reportedly around the end of 2020.


Also of note is that Microsoft allegedly intends for Halo Infinite to be a launch title for the new systems. However, it reportedly won’t be exclusive to “Lockhart” or “Anaconda”, as they still intend to release it on Xbox One and PC. This should assure that no Halo fan has to miss out our wait to play, even if they’re not ready to upgrade to the new consoles at launch.