Since September 2018, he has been held in prison. As indicated by court reports, he has been accused of in excess of about six different lawful offenses since his capture, all emerging from cases of bad behavior done while in guardianship.

Following that, he is confronting capital punishment. Last year, District Attorney Steve Kunzweiler expressed that capital punishment ought to be considered in Smith’s homicide case. He guaranteed he shot five individuals in 33 days, killing two of them, refering to a past filled with vicious criminal offenses.

In the mean time, he asserts Smith killed Glynn Williams to avoid being captured or arraigned for killing Keith Williams in his quality.

In a different occurrence, Smith is accused of two counts of shooting with the purpose to kill. In a primer hearing, he was likewise blamed for shooting his ex-accomplice in the leg during a contention.

More charges have been brought against Smith, including attacking a Tulsa County authority official on September 15 by having another prisoner sprinkle pee on him. Smith is additionally accused of undermining a savage follow up around the same time. As per court archives, he took steps to kill two kept officials when they held onto his marijuana, cellphone, and charger, which were all viewed as booty, bringing about a charge of ownership of disallowed things. Besides, Smith was found with methamphetamine in prison on September 11, as per a third case.

Examiners accused Smith of jumbled lead in August of this current year, before different cases. He and one more detainee were accused of bothered threatening behavior around the same time. He had two additional charges recorded against him by December, expressing he tossed body liquids on Tulsa County prison staff, as indicated by archives, and he was accused of a similar claim again in July.