The pair astounded the crowdfunding community back in April 2015 when the Con Man web series gained $3.2 million in backing from 46,000+ fans in a month. The campaign was only asking for $425,000! The Indiegogo campaign became the third highest crowdfunded film on any platform and highest crowdfunded web series in history. The mobile game was the $3 million stretch goal on the campaign.

Alan Tudyk

Con Man: The Game is free to play and comes with a whole host of great features which really allow you to “go to town” with creating your own virtual convention. Players are able to choose between which kind of convention they would like to run, either sci-fi, horror or superheroes, unlock a lot of other celebrities who have given their time to appear in the web series. You could come across writer and director Kevin Smith, or geek-Queen Felicia Day. Even Eliza Dushku makes an appearance in the game. As well as running your convention, you have to keep an eye open for aliens who are invading and are planning on taking over the show!

The game is available now from Google Play and the App Store.