Toyin Lawani, who has done all that could be within reach for her little girl’s most memorable birthday, which is on August 26, 2022, has overwhelmed the web with dazzling recordings from her continuous festival shoot.

She posted a video of her girl looking shocking for her birthday photograph shoot as she designated the occupation to her little girl’s caretaker.

She offered her thanks to the babysitter for watching her little girl notwithstanding having her own kids by means of her checked Instagram page.

The mother of three likewise point by point her horrendous encounters with babysitters in an extended Instagram post. She demanded that she never leaves her children unattended by a relative.

She composed: Atimes we want to pause for a minute to see the value in our Good Nannie’s for every one of their endeavors on our children ,

I have had terrible Nannie’s, I have had caring ones and I have likewise had God sents ,

be that as it may, by the day’s end they all additionally have their own lives or children they abandoned to really focus on our own , which makes a portion of the great ones leave ontime ,

On the off chance that you realize me well , you will realize I don’t leave my children for any one , I convey them along ,

247 , while working and so on , aside from when I travel and I can’t take them , which I will rather send them to my family with their babysitter,

I have trust issues , because of awful involvement in Nannie’s, Get a camera in your home at all expense ,

You will get a ton on horrible Nannie’s, my children are generally around me , Be that as it may, yet it’s difficult being a nursing mother and working 247 , Atimes I need to fill in for late shifts as well ,

Furthermore, you should make a normal that works for your child , with a decent caretaker you will have less to stress over , the ones that don’t stand by to be determined what to do before they get it done ,

Before your children becomes ill she would have gotten the sign, the ones who instruct and address them and so on, Regulate their home works when I can , Body checks and so forth ,

— Leaks Agency 💎 (@leaks_agency) August 18, 2022

This is my ist time I will not have the option to be in my youngster’s go for her birthday shoot , Because of my condition,

So I’m similar to why not she do one with her babysitter, That resembles her mama too na , My approach to valuing the lady , She has two children aswell ,

It’s difficult passing on them to come to Lagos to really focus on another people kid , they all likewise have battles ,

At the point when I took her with the 3nannies I took ,

I Almost told her I didn’t require her and I advised her to leave. She cried and said she had no expectation or anyplace to go , with time I understood she was best among them ,

A big thank you to all the superb Nannie’s from one side of the planet to the other , Godbless you for all you do ,

Regardless of whether we compensate you fairly , I actually comprehend it’s difficult showing certifiable love and care for another man’s child like yours Well finished