Lava Pit Puzzle Solution

The lava pits solution is very simple, and all you need to do is use any weapon damage with the ice element. Here is a complete list of all available ice damage weapons in Tower of Fantasy:

Absolute Zero (Cocoritter). Balmung (Frigg). Icewind Arrow (Tsubasa). Rosy Edge (Meryl). Pummeler (Ene). The Terminator (Hilda). Frosted Spear (N/A).

Once you have obtained one of these weapons, follow these steps to solve the lava pits puzzle:

Approach the lava pit. Equip any available weapon with ice damage. Shoot or strike the lava pit until it freezes. Pick up either a gold or black nucleus.

At times, you may find these puts devoid of lava. These cold lava pits can’t be used just yet, as there is a timer set just like in the case with supply pods.

Note that you can use the method listed above only on active lava pits, and if you find the cold one, then simply come back later once its active again.

That’s all you need to know about lava pits puzzle solution in Tower of Fantasy. Also, be sure to check out the rest of our Tower of Fantasy tips and tricks articles while you’re here, like our guide to getting the Maglev Stalker, how to dodge, how to reroll, and how to break cracked walls.